Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hmm... Things To Think About!

This past weekend was a lot of fun Angie (Scott's ex/good friend) came to town with her boyfriend Lui. Scott and I met them at Foxwoods which ended up being a lot of fun. Scott and I took the bus down and immediately signed up for a table which was pretty stupid because we met up with Angie and Lui right after and missed our seats. Drove around a bit so the boys could do their fun, then went back in and re signed up for a table which was 100+ players deep. Boo. When we finally got seated, Scott and I were on the same table. I was doing pretty well and getting some great hands, but Scott had to fold pretty much every hand. I got sucked out on and we lost, but we got up and ate some dinner (at 3am!) and when we jumped back on the tables things got better. I dont know how many of you heard about the crash on i-95, but our bus coming from New York was delayed 6HRS(!) and we ended up jumping on this really bad table where we just mowed them over. Yay! Wish we stayed on it longer :(

Things are going pretty well. Still need a job of course, but Scott and I are happy and hes winning a lot in poker, so thats always good for the spirits!

Thinking about jobing it up at Foxwoods. It would be pretty difficult, having to commute on a weekly basis and Id have to get a room to sleep in 3 nights a week... but who knows? It could be good for me! We shall see.

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