Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So thanks to Manas, I am now quite interested in HTML... at least the basics for now. I have set up a small homepage and am trying to add details to it slowly. I think it is coming out quite nicely so far. I dont know how far I will go with it or what I really want to do with it, but boy, do I have ideas!

No more car for me... Jamie took it back today and I am rather sad about it. I wonder how long it will take him to widdle the left over money from the UHaul settlement out of me!

I want to find different things to do in Boston that are free and fun. Well, maybe not totally free, but cheap. I want to spend more time in Chinatown and I want to learn another language. (Not Chinese, those two things have nothing to do with each other). I want to dye my hair and I want to host 2 raked cash games a week. Better get cracking, eh?

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